your muma is an artist

Monday, March 30, 2009

Review of an Art Show We Haven't Been To (Part 1 in a continuing series)

Sexy Gazebo: Believing is Believing

By Maya Hauk

Held in a pretentious space in Brooklyn, this opening was attended by a bunch of obvious hipsters who hid their disdain for Hauk's brightly coloured work and her insistence on actually producing something instead of talking about it, behind their free cans of SPARKS. Overheard comments included "You know, the electroclash thing is soooo played out, progrock is the new electro you know? You should listen to my band, we're like this totally new combination of Genesis, Jethro Tull and, like, Emerson Lake and Palmer. You should check us out, we’re totally playing in my friend's basement sometime soon…" and "Isn't acid so, like, 1970's? I mean who does acid anymore?"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the circuit

We've been off the record lately because, frankly, most of the art shows have been too boring for us to bother to go to.

Expect updates soon

Monday, February 2, 2009


Did you know your muma is an artist? She is. Also, your 4 year old cousin/niece? (what, you didn't know your niece was your cousin?) Anyway, she can tooootally paint that. And that. And that picture that won the prize the other day.

So your muma is an artist, your niece/cousin (that's still weirding you out, isn't it? It should) is an artist and you? You're some wannabe-artist. I bet you thought that going to Uni would help you out, instead its just meant the establishment of a magnificent alcoholic dependency and the awareness that you'll be earning less than 40,000 after 8 years of study. Oh what's that? You're feeling pretty pissed off? No shit. Also, you're poor. Yeah. It sucks, doesn't it? So this is for you. This is for everyone who is sick of listening to the same old windbags hold forth on the same old crap. Why do the same names keep on appearing in the same papers spouting the same crap? Could it be because as a paying job, they'd stab their own granny before giving it up? Probably. It could also be because it is so much easier to just cut and paste press releases rather than actually critique people who you might be having dinner with next weekend.

In case you thought we were some sort of anti-establishment re-tread, you know we're also going to be railing against all the same-old new shit that apparently doesn't even stink. Just because you aren't crippled by self-loathing and have the ability to spray paint images of international advertising campaings onto day-glo backgrounds doesn't mean you're actually artistically interesting. Or deserve to be there.

Finally, just because we don't like you either, and just because we can, we're going to force you to deal with the realness that is: gallery openings overseas are better than ones here because, well, they are. What's that? Cultural cringe? Your muma didn't cringe last night!

You know your muma's an artist. And so are you and so are we.


Nicole Kidman's lips are another character in this film. Nuf said.