Monday, March 30, 2009

Review of an Art Show We Haven't Been To (Part 1 in a continuing series)

Sexy Gazebo: Believing is Believing

By Maya Hauk

Held in a pretentious space in Brooklyn, this opening was attended by a bunch of obvious hipsters who hid their disdain for Hauk's brightly coloured work and her insistence on actually producing something instead of talking about it, behind their free cans of SPARKS. Overheard comments included "You know, the electroclash thing is soooo played out, progrock is the new electro you know? You should listen to my band, we're like this totally new combination of Genesis, Jethro Tull and, like, Emerson Lake and Palmer. You should check us out, we’re totally playing in my friend's basement sometime soon…" and "Isn't acid so, like, 1970's? I mean who does acid anymore?"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the circuit

We've been off the record lately because, frankly, most of the art shows have been too boring for us to bother to go to.

Expect updates soon